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Nevel and Envor have agreed on collaboration with the goal of transferring Envor’s biogas business to Nevel’s ownership

August 29, 2023
  • Press releases and news

Nevel sees expanding opportunities in a circular economy based on biodegradable side streams

Nevel, a utility infrastructure company offering advanced industrial and real estate infrastructure solutions, and Envor Group have agreed on co-operation with the goal of Nevel acquiring Envor Group’s biodegradable material-based side stream processing operations. The deal is planned to be closed by end of the year.

The proposed acquisition supports Nevel’s strategy and sustainability goals as a promoter of local circular economies. It also expands the company’s offering in the processing of side streams in the industrial and municipal sectors.

The acquisition would include Envor Group’s biodegradable side stream processing plants in Forssa and Pori, Finland, which have a combined energy output of 51 GWh.

“The processing and utilisation of biodegradable side streams, both in energy production and as by-products, and the promotion of regional circular economies are strategically important for Nevel. This helps our industrial customers and municipalities to utilise side streams, reduce emissions and accelerate the sustainable transition together with us. We will invest in developing our operations to bring an increasing number of sustainable opportunities for both our customers and the environment,” says Thomas Luther, CEO of Nevel.

“Envor Group has been looking for an operator that would help the biodegradable side streams processing business with the needed resources for its investments and development. In our opinion, Nevel is a reliable partner. If the deal is closed, Envor Group plans to focus on comprehensive, customer driven service for its existing and new customers. Our offering as a reliable partner within waste management services will be stronger in the future, enabling the development of our business and expansion of our operations e.g. in collection of biowaste”, says Envor Group CEO Samuli Laine.

Nevel would operate the biogas production plants included in the acquisition, which serve their approximately 50 industrial and municipal customers. Nevel is also prepared to invest further in the plants. The deal would also create an opportunity for a significant investment in Kotka, Finland.

Nevel’s extensive energy infrastructure and circular economy know-how, the partnership model it offers and its investment capabilities serve to achieve the carbon neutrality goals of industrial and municipal customers. In a responsible transition to carbon neutrality, social, economic and environmental effects are taken into account. Nevel holds high safety and environmental standards in all its operations.

More information
Thomas Luther, CEO, Nevel, +358 40 534 4256
Hanna Viita, Director, Sustainability and communications, Nevel, +358 40 167 1755

Nevel in brief
Nevel is a utility infrastructure company offering advanced industrial and real estate infrastructure solutions that are fit-for-purpose and future-proof. Committed to climate positive growth, we drive societal impact by co-creating local circular economies and driving transformation to carbon-neutral energy production. Nevel serves almost 100 industrial and over 5,000 real estate customers with decentralised energy and circular economy solutions. The company operates more than 130 energy production sites and manages over 40 district heating networks. Nevel has an annual turnover of EUR 115 million, and employs 190 experts in Finland, Sweden and Estonia.

Envor in brief
Envor is a Finnish family owned business with almost 60 years of experience in the circular economy. We have been among the first to implement e.g. biowaste processing and biogas solutions. Envor offers its customers a strong partnership for the implementation of comprehensive circular economy solutions and waste management. Envor’s customers include industry, commerce, public actors as well as households. Envor employs more than 80 professionals in environmental and circular economy services. The company’s turnover is more than Eur 16 million.